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Public universities and university hospital systems offer different benefits to employees than other employers do—some directly and some through the state. In fact, of all the employee benefit plan offerings out there, public university plans may be the most diverse. The trouble is, that with diversity can come complexity.

Do you know the answers to these questions:

Does your university participate in your state’s pension system?

Does your university offer a supplemental plan, such as an Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) or Alternative Retirement Plan (ARP)?

Is your ORP or ARP a 401(a), a 403(b), or a 457(b) plan?

Does your university have a privately-sponsored defined contribution plan? Were you required to make a choice to participate, or participate in lieu of a pension or higher match rates?

Are you happy with the returns you’ve been getting, is your 403(b), 457(b), or other account maximized for growth potential?

If you’ve been concerned about making the right benefit choices, or you would like to have a fiduciary financial advisor take a look at your selections and the performance of your accounts to make sure you are fully protected and on-track to achieve your retirement goals, let’s talk.

Contact Government Employee Wealth Advisors today!

(734) 388-0044